Teaching and Learning Information Technology in Education E-learning
With the fourth IT Education Strategy was launched in 2015, the Education Bureau has advocated the use of e-learning to encourage students to make good use of technology and IT skills, thereby strengthening their abilities in self-directed learning, problem-solving, collaboration and computational thinking. Such skills and abilities can in turn enhance students’ creativity, innovation, and even entrepreneurship and nurture them into ethical IT users for lifelong learning and holistic development. In fact, e-learning is not only in line with the learning and living patterns of young people in today’s i-generation, but also a general global trend.
In response to the global trend, we have identified e-learning as one of the main concerns in two consecutive three-year school development plans from 2015 to 2018 and from 2018 to 2021. In addition to being one of the first schools to participate in the WIFI900 programme (to enhance the school-wide wireless network), we have also purchased an additional batch of tablet computers and installed mirror display devices for tablet computers in all classrooms. Moreover, we have established the e-learning Committee dedicated to promoting e-learning. The Committee is responsible for providing training for teachers and the promotion of e-learning strategies. We have also participated in the Seed Project of “Exploration and Development of Self-directed Learning Strategies in Mathematics” by the Education Bureau and the “e-Learning Support for Self-directed Learning in Science to Target Individual Differences and Transition to Secondary Schools” by The University of Hong Kong. Receiving professional advice from our partners, we aim at developing high-quality school-based e-courses for our students and teachers. In addition, our science team was also invited to serve as a resource school for "Integrated Self-directed Learning Approach to School-based STEM Development (In-STEM)" to support other schools in developing their STEM education, self-directed learning, and e-learning.